jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

Activities for Friday 5 of June- 2020

Friday 5 of June - 2020

Good morning everyone:

1.-   Esta semana ya despedimos a Amber. Su trabajo en el colegio ya ha terminado. Así que os invito a todos a ver esta entrevista:

Entrevista oral:

Entrevista escrita a Amber

Amber Ball

  1. Where are you from?
I am from Leamington Spa. A town in England.

  1. How old are you?
I am 21 years old.

  1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Have you got any pets?
Yes, I have a brother and a sister. My sister is called Carys and she is 15 years old. My brother is called Reece and he is 18 years old.
I have two cats called Ebony and Willow.

  1. What do you study?
I study Spanish at the university of Chester.

  1. What were your favourite things when you were a little girl?
When I was little, I loved going to the beach with my family and riding my bike in the park. There is a beautiful park near my house.

  1. What did you want to be when you were a little girl?
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a police officer.

  1. What are your hobbies?
I like trampolining and reading books.

  1. Where is your favourite place in the world?
My favourite place in the world is Tenby. Tenby is a town in Wales, it is by the sea.

  1. What are you planning to do this holiday?
This Summer I am planning on going to Tenby with my family. We are going to stay in a tent.

  1. Did you miss home and your family when you were in Logroño?
I did miss my family a lot, but my mum and sister came to visit me once.
             Have you made friends here?
            Yes, I have made lots of friends in Logroño.

  1. Do you like Logroño? What are your favourite things about Logroño?
I love Logroño, it is a beautiful city. My favourite things are eating food in Calle Laurel and shopping on Gran Vía.

  1. Where have you visited in Spain?
I have visited lots of cities in Spain: Gijón, Santander, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Cuenca, Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza and Sevilla.

  1. Where have you visited in Europe?
I have been to Paris in France.

  1. What were your favourite things about being in Milenario?I loved working in Milenario. My favourite thing was all the lovely people I met.
I also liked watching the Christmas music concert in the gym. It was amazing!

  1. Did you share your work with another school?
          Yes, I also worked in Juan YagüeSchool, in Logroño

  1. Did you visit other places in La Rioja?
I visited Haro.

2.- Os animo a que le enviéis a su correo algún dibujo o foto vuestra de despedida. Estoy segura de que le haría mucha ilusión. 
En el whatsapp de los padres, tenéis la dirección de su correo. No la pongo aquí por privacidad, pero si no la encontráis pedídmela a mi correo personal y os la digo.

3.- Video: Nora Martín - "My dog Ben"

Pincha en este enlace:  https://youtu.be/c76x7jIP8lM

¡¡Importante!! : 

La semana que viene como hay muchos días de fiesta, os voy a poner algo para un día  en el blog.  Lo pondré a partir de mañana para que lo tengáis disponible y lo hagáis el día que queráis de la semana que viene.

"The End"

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